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Singgahi Lombok, Begini sambutan Krida Toyota atas kedatangan Tim Beyond Indonesia - East Timor with Toyota

Kedatangan Tim Beyond Journey di Krida Toyota NTB pada tanggal 17 April 2018 Berbicara tentang mobil, aku yakin sebagian dari kalian pasti berpikiran tentang satu nama merek mobil yang terkenal yang katanya awet dan irit yaitu "TOYOTA", dan tepat sekali beberapa hari yang lalu Selasa, 17 April 2018 di Krida Toyota (Dealer Resmi Toyota di Lombok) pun dengan gembira menyambut kedatangan para team Beyond Beautiful Indonesia yang telah melakukan perjalanan panjang kurang lebih 20 hari dari Indonesia Barat hingga Timor Timor.  Wah aku gak abis pikir nih melakukan perjalanan jauh  selama 20 hari untuk suatu misi dan melewati darat laut gunung pantai dan sebagainya dengan hanya menggunakan mobil via darat. Salut buat om-om journey. Rentetan Mobil-Mobil yang digunakan oleh Tim Journey Beyond Beautiful Indonesia Oh ya, sebelumnya pasti kalian pada masih belum tau siapa sih Tim Beyond Journey ini.  Tim Journey Beyond Beautiful Indonesia merupakan gabungan tiga komuni

I can’t believe I only have one month of school left.

And then I’ll graduate! Oh where has the time gone… New student year seems like just yesterday. I can still remember it distinctly. Let’s just say it did not start off as well as I’d hoped.

All the embarrassment subsided as we neared the high school. When I got there, I saw some familiar faces floating in a sea of unrecognizable people. I congregated with some of my middle school friends and we went to the library to check out our textbooks. Later I would discover that this was a bad mistake.

Pretty soon, all the students were herded into the aula (named: Aula Rinjani Smansa), where the principal gave us a brief welcoming speech. The gist of it was what he expected from us and what we expected from the school. He wanted us to think about our future. At 18 years old, obviously I had no idea what I wanted to do. College seemed so far away. But the scary thing is, as I am nearing the last year of high school, I still don’t know.

Perhaps I still exhibit the clumsy and silly attributes my 18-year-old self possessed, but I know I have grown as a person.I’ve broken out of my comfortable shell and as cliché as it sounds, “broadened my horizons”. Socially, I’ve become more comfortable with associating myself with new people. Prior to high school, I’ve always viewed the upperclassmen as big, scary people. Other than the occasional jerk that fits the stereotype, most of them are very cool, fun, experienced, “coolest” of the high school. As long as you don’t get caught up with the wrong crowd, they can really make your high school experience fun and memorable. High school has also helped me discover my interests and passions. I don’t know if watching and online are considered hobbies to high school, but I know that these little interests can grow into something bigger than it seems. Perhaps someday my knowledge of running a blog and designing themes will be of good use to me.

I went to a school fair the other day and it has made me very excited and motivated to go to school. At first I had a “I’ll go to whatever school I get accepted to” mentality, but now I’m really working hard to make sure I can get the best test scores in National Examination as much as possible. I think if I work hard enough, there’s a chance that I’ll get accepted by some of my reach schools. I don’t want to be overly optimistic, but I also don’t want to doubt myself.

I’ll be very busy for the next month or so. I’m nervous, stressed, but most importantly, hopeful for the future.

Anyway, I hope that in my final year of high school, I’ll have a better grasp of who I am and what I want to do with my life. I’ve really come a long way and I’m so close to the finish line

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