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Singgahi Lombok, Begini sambutan Krida Toyota atas kedatangan Tim Beyond Indonesia - East Timor with Toyota

Kedatangan Tim Beyond Journey di Krida Toyota NTB pada tanggal 17 April 2018 Berbicara tentang mobil, aku yakin sebagian dari kalian pasti berpikiran tentang satu nama merek mobil yang terkenal yang katanya awet dan irit yaitu "TOYOTA", dan tepat sekali beberapa hari yang lalu Selasa, 17 April 2018 di Krida Toyota (Dealer Resmi Toyota di Lombok) pun dengan gembira menyambut kedatangan para team Beyond Beautiful Indonesia yang telah melakukan perjalanan panjang kurang lebih 20 hari dari Indonesia Barat hingga Timor Timor.  Wah aku gak abis pikir nih melakukan perjalanan jauh  selama 20 hari untuk suatu misi dan melewati darat laut gunung pantai dan sebagainya dengan hanya menggunakan mobil via darat. Salut buat om-om journey. Rentetan Mobil-Mobil yang digunakan oleh Tim Journey Beyond Beautiful Indonesia Oh ya, sebelumnya pasti kalian pada masih belum tau siapa sih Tim Beyond Journey ini.  Tim Journey Beyond Beautiful Indonesia merupakan gabungan tiga komuni

Life is Good

 LG is not a mark branding. It's just a words. Life is Good. Yeah, life is fully lucky.

Well, I often think my life always not lucky. But in the other side I still should trust my lucky life. 

By the way, this is a great time to start getting serious about my desires and ambitions. I thought I would share this story to you in case I are considering making any type of changes in my life. 

One of the most important things I have ever learned was that if you have a feeling that there is something more for you. It’s there for a reason that you’re meant to find your way to whatever it is you really want for your life. You are absolutely meant to live the life you always dreamed about – and, who you are, right ??? as I do.

Maybe it relates to my activities or a relationship, or maybe there is something I’ve just always wanted to accomplish. Whatever it is, TODAY is the perfect day to start getting serious about going after it. But, for today, I just start rethinking what’s really possible for my life. 


Just be more grateful for our life


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