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Singgahi Lombok, Begini sambutan Krida Toyota atas kedatangan Tim Beyond Indonesia - East Timor with Toyota

Kedatangan Tim Beyond Journey di Krida Toyota NTB pada tanggal 17 April 2018 Berbicara tentang mobil, aku yakin sebagian dari kalian pasti berpikiran tentang satu nama merek mobil yang terkenal yang katanya awet dan irit yaitu "TOYOTA", dan tepat sekali beberapa hari yang lalu Selasa, 17 April 2018 di Krida Toyota (Dealer Resmi Toyota di Lombok) pun dengan gembira menyambut kedatangan para team Beyond Beautiful Indonesia yang telah melakukan perjalanan panjang kurang lebih 20 hari dari Indonesia Barat hingga Timor Timor.  Wah aku gak abis pikir nih melakukan perjalanan jauh  selama 20 hari untuk suatu misi dan melewati darat laut gunung pantai dan sebagainya dengan hanya menggunakan mobil via darat. Salut buat om-om journey. Rentetan Mobil-Mobil yang digunakan oleh Tim Journey Beyond Beautiful Indonesia Oh ya, sebelumnya pasti kalian pada masih belum tau siapa sih Tim Beyond Journey ini.  Tim Journey Beyond Beautiful Indonesia merupakan gabungan tiga komuni

I Met A Guy, I Really Like Him, But It's Seem My Love Unrequited [Sadness]

I met a guy somewhere and i want to know if he likes me. Maybe i like him so much, or maybe i am just curios about him. Well, i will take a test first.

You Just Met A Guy; Does He Like You? (Girls)

1. Have you ever talked to him ?
Not really. I just met him at gym and I've talked to him for the first time. We just look each other when we have a training and we just passed away. He look over me, and so do i. But we even don't ever talk!
Well, we've talked in social media, but i just feel desperate because i am always to talk first to him.

2. Does he ever hang out with you ?
No, he's never really talked to me, but he has noticed me before. 

3. Does he ever touch you ?
Well, not really. At the first time i think he's avoiding me, but (i feel) then he just has interested with me too.

4. Does he talk/text other girls ?
All the time, he's never apart from them, because he always near with his guy. I think I've never seen him eith another girl in gym before. He just have training with his friends. I don't know about he ever text other girls, because who i am ?

5. Does he stutter in front of you ?
No, We've never talked before, I told you. But i think when i see him talked with the other one, he seem very comfortable.

6. Does he tease you ?
Nope. I think he's too nice for that. and we've never talked. 

7. Do you have his phone number ? If so, how did you get ?
No,but I really want it. I just know his social media. And i know about part of his family.

8. If you talk to another guy, he ...?
Doesn't even notice me, as usual i think.

9. What do you talk about with him ?
We don't talk directly. We just have chatting in facebook and our conversations don't even last long, he just answering my questions about his activities. He even didn't interest to questioning about my life either my activities. Husfttt.... and we have chatting when he stay up in  Jakarta. Well, i don't even know he going to Jkt. He said at chatting, he just stayed 1 month in Lombok. Oh god, i am very sad.

10. Well, what do you think ?
I want to get to know him better but i'm afraid of being hurt. He's cute and gentleman, i defiantly want to talk to him some more in directly. And the last i love everything that he does, but i think he seems too perfect to me. 

and the answer is .....
I'm sorry, but chances are, this guy doesn't like you. One important thing is that he can't really like you if he doesn't know you very well. Talk to him, get to know him, and come back again.

For the second time to test about my crush

1. Are your friends with your crush ?
No, he doesn't relly know me.

2. Have you ever made physical contact with your crush? (Brushing of arms, holding hands, etc.)
No, i wish though. but i think he also has interesting with me. He notices me. We just met in fitness center, but we dont ever talked each other directly. We just have a chatting in facebook. That's all.

3. How old are you ?
I am 20 years old. And he just 27 years old.

4. This is just a confirmation.. How do you like your crush?
At ther first time sight, I like him... Just like him. But sepanjang waktu berjalan, kita sering ketemu dan perhatiin di pro gym but we gak pernah talk talk gitu. Dan dia sepertinya juga hanya tertarik dengan me disana. It's make me woww heart nya flowww.

5. Do you think your crush likes you?
Maybe yes, maybe no. I'm not sure though

6. Does your crush impress you? Do you try to impress him?
Yes, and yess!

7. Has your crush done something romantic towards you before? (Flirting, love letters, etc.)
Uh-uh! No way! I wish.

8. Are you friends with your crush's friends? Do they like you?

9. Does he try to hang around with you?
No. I wish he did, though.

10. Does your crush hate you?

andd The Answer is Does your crush like you?

For 60 % you are: Well, your crush doesn't really like you... Try harder. Get to know him better and try to make friends with him
